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Texas Best Companies 2022: ABP International Earns Employee Recognition

Workplace in Texas

ABP International Recognized as a Top Workplace in Texas

The Texas Association of Business (TAB) announces ABP International (ABPTech) on the list of Best Companies to work in Texas.

The list of 100 best companies for 2022 and rankings for the Best Companies to Work for in Texas was released Oct 6 in Austin. The winners were selected based on a survey competition recognizing the best workplace cultures. The complete list can be found at TxBiz.org.

Texas Best Companies Focus on Workplace Culture

“Culture is key to securing top talent in a competitive job market,” said TAB CEO Glenn Hamer. “Congratulations to the employers who made the 2022 Best Companies to Work for in Texas list!”

The Best Companies to Work for in Texas program was open to all public and privately held organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit. To be eligible for consideration, companies must have a facility in Texas and have at least 15 employees in the state. Employer rankings are determined based on employee feedback and employer assessments. The Best Companies program is managed by Workforce Research Group — in partnership with TAB. Workforce Research Group is a workplace excellence research firm whose mission is to conduct employer and employee research necessary to determine who the best employers are in a given market.


ABP International Recognized


























ABPTECH Participation in the Event

We had a small delegation at the event and enjoyed meeting a few other entrepreneurs and managers to discuss some of the challenges of these times. Our team also benefited from the time out to catch up and learn more about each other and our respective areas of responsibility. We were proud of our team for participating. We had a solid percentage of our employees take their time to participate and fill out some rather lengthy questionnaires. That by itself shows our team is devoted and persistent. It is great for us to be part of the selected companies and also to have learned from the aggregate response summaries in which areas our team is pleased with our current situation and also the areas where we can improve.


ABPTECH Participation in the Event


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