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New Android Beta with Optimized Audio and Improved Chat

3CX Android App Beta: Improved Chat & Call Quality

A new Beta of the Android app is now available for your testing. This release includes an updated chat view for improved user experience as well as audio and connectivity optimizations for better voice calls.


Optimized audio by default

For improved audio during calls, we’ve now disabled echo cancellation by default for devices with this capability built-in. This prevents any clash between the app’s and your device’s settings. We’re keen to get your feedback on this change so try it out and let us know via the Android app forum!


More reliable calling

We’ve worked on network connectivity to offer a more seamless and reliable experience when the DNS service fails during calls. In such a situation, active calls are now less likely to drop, so you can continue on with your conversation.


New & improved chat view new android chat


new android chat

The in-chat experience is now more user friendly! When in the middle of a long chat conversation, the app now conveniently displays a notification for new messages that you can tap to scroll down and view directly.


Other fixes & improvements

  • Fixed an issue where in-call audio echo was reproduced.
  • Fixed an issue that caused clicking sounds & distortion on Pixel devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the app did not vibrate for calls while in the “Vibrate” Android ringer mode.
  • Fixed an issue caused when dropping a call while in a reconnecting state.










Source: KyriakosP, Assistant Product Manager, 3CX


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