IP Technology Distribution

Exciting News from Digium

Switchvox AA355 Proclaimed Winner in Midmarket Awards. The Top Midmarket Product winners were selected through a nomination process from Solution Providers and CIOs of midsize companies. The groups collectively nominated more than ten products per category based on how well their technology fits a midsize enterprise, customer service and the technology vendor's commitment to Solution Providers serving midmarket customers.

Digium AA355 Switchvox PBX was the WINNER on the Networking category. The modest, but insistent ranks of Digium devotees call Switchvox "VoIP-in-a-box" with the greatest affection because that's pretty much what it is: a turnkey open source IP-PBX system for small to midsize businesses that is affordable, easy to use and install.

Customers and channel partners alike have championed the Switchvox software for its range of features and also applaud Digium for providing greater rewards to loyal partners while also adding an affiliate level to attract low-commitment VARs to its Authorized Reseller Partner Community.

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