IP Technology Distribution

Configure Patton FXS for Broadvox SIP Trunk - Application2

Application 2: Authentication and multiple DIDs mapped to specific ports

This document applies to Patton FXS gateways configured to hand-off SIP trunks to legacy analog PBXs or individual analog phones.

In this scenario we have a four port FXS SN4114 unit in which the incoming calls from Broadvox SIP trunk will be routed to a specific FXS port based on the DID. In this example DID1 will go to first port; DID2 will go to second port; DiD3 will go to third port and DID4 will go to fourth port.

Copy the configuration file provided below to notepad and make the replacements as necessary, then upload that file to your Patton using the gateway's web interface.

Following the same logic you can easily create the configuration file for an Patton with any number of FXS ports.
You need to have a Registration type of account from Broadvox , the BTN/telephone number, the list of DIDs and the password and server address as provided by Broadvox:


#File start----------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                                                          #
# SN4114/JS/EUI                                                                       #
# R5.8 2011-09-05 H323 SIP FXS FXO                             #

cli version 3.20
dns-client server DNS_SERVER_Address (i.e.
webserver port 80 language en


ic voice 0
low-bitrate-codec g729

profile napt NAPT

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone US_Dialtone
play 1 1000 350 -13 440 -13

profile call-progress-tone US_Alertingtone
play 1 1000 440 -19 480 -19
pause 2 3000

profile call-progress-tone US_Busytone
play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24
pause 2 500

profile call-progress-tone US_Releasetone
play 1 250 480 -24 620 -24
pause 2 250

profile tone-set default
profile tone-set US
map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_Dialtone
map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_Alertingtone
map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_Busytone
map call-progress-tone release-tone US_Releasetone
map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_Busytone

profile voip default
codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 3 g729 rx-length 30 tx-length 30
fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp

profile pstn default

profile ringing-cadence default
play 1 1000
pause 2 4000

profile sip default
no autonomous-transitioning

profile aaa default
method 1 local
method 2 none

context ip router

interface IF_IP_LAN
ipaddress IP_ADDRESS SUBNET_MASK (i.e. )
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router
route DEFAULT_GATEWAY (i.e 0

context cs switch
digit-collection timeout 3
address-completion timeout 3

routing-table called-e164 IN
route DID1 (i.e. 4795555555) dest-interface IF_FXS_0
route DID2 (i.e.4795555556) dest-interface IF_FXS_1
route DID3 (i.e.4795555557) dest-interface IF_FXS_2
route DID4 (i.e.4795555558) dest-interface IF_FXS_3

routing-table called-e164 FXS_to_SIP
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_0

interface sip IF_SIP_0
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0
route call dest-table IN
remote SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN (i.e. ld01-03.fs.broadvox.net)
address-translation incoming-call called-e164 to-header

interface fxs IF_FXS_0
route call dest-table FXS_to_SIP
subscriber-number DID1 (i.e. 4795555555)
use profile tone-set US

interface fxs IF_FXS_1
route call dest-table FXS_to_SIP
subscriber-number DID2 (i.e. 4795555556)
use profile tone-set US

interface fxs IF_FXS_2
route call dest-table FXS_to_SIP
subscriber-number DID3 (i.e 4795555557 )
use profile tone-set US

interface fxs IF_FXS_3
route call dest-table FXS_to_SIP
subscriber-number DID4 (i.e 4795555558 )
use profile tone-set US

service hunt-group hunt_in
drop-cause normal-unspecified
drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
drop-cause network-out-of-order
drop-cause temporary-failure
drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
drop-cause access-info-discarded
drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
drop-cause resources-unavailable
route call 1 dest-interface IF_FXS_0
route call 2 dest-interface IF_FXS_1
route call 3 dest-interface IF_FXS_2
route call 4 dest-interface IF_FXS_3

context cs switch
no shutdown

authentication-service SOFTSWITCH_EXT
username DID1 (i.e 4795555555 ) password PASSWORD (i.e 3KOas9eR5)

location-service LS_SN
domain 1 SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN (i.e. ld01-03.fs.broadvox.net)

identity-group IDENT-GROUP

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service SOFTSWITCH_EXT

registration outbound
registrar SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN (i.e.ld01-03.fs.broadvox.net)
lifetime 3600
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

identity DID1 (i.e 4795555555 ) inherits IDENT-GROUP

registration outbound

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0

interface LAN
bind interface IF_IP_LAN context router port 5060

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0
bind location-service LS_SN
no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
medium auto
encapsulation ip
bind interface IF_IP_LAN router
no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_0 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_1 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 2
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_2 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 3
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_3 switch
no shutdown

# File end #

If you have problems or have a custom scenario please contact ABP Technology support.

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