IP Technology Distribution

Changing Your Practice From 'Break Fix' to Preventive Maintenance

Why Break-Fix Maintenance Isn't Enough for Modern Security Systems

Break Fix maintenance should not be the Mode of Operation for today's IP technology integrators. IT and communications equipment are mission critical for business. Security equipment is in the same category. It simply cannot fail when needed. Customers will pay for certainty and they want their security equipment to work 100% of the time. No one wants a parachute that has a 90% chance of deploying. We all know how embarrassing it can be when our customer wants video of an incident and we find the camera has not been working for the last few days.

Even new vehicles are sold with maintenance plans since no one wants to end up stranded somewhere on the roadside. Break Fix went out of style as aviation took off. Take your business to the next level by abandoning "Break Fix" for "Planned Preventive Maintenance".

MxMSP™ was crafted as a Managed Services Platform for MOBOTIX to help MOBOTIX Partners not only with cost and time saving during initial deployments but to help provide preventive maintenance to achieve the high up-time requirements for mission critical surveillance and monitoring platforms. Lastly - and most importantly - we built the platform to help MOBOTIX partners transition into managed services in security and to offer security as a service.

MxMSP™ Offers Detailed Reports for Educating Customers and Justifying Service Fees

MxMSP™ offers unique reports that will educate end-users on their service level but also on the ongoing maintenance and support provided by their integrators. Incident counts, acknowledgement times, maintenance interventions, online support, preventive maintenance, firmware updates, and all time spent online by an Integrator working on a customer’s installation is tracked and logged in detail by equipment, engineer, location and even the time the service was performed. Reports and summaries can be configured on a per customer and individual end-user basis and scheduled to periodically and automatically be shared with customers.

MxMSP™ Offers Detailed Reports

This information can merely be shown as information in an appendix to the monthly summary that may accompany a flat monthly subscription service invoice generated by a partner’s ERP system. Alternatively, we will soon generate a unique and highly adjustable invoice that will integrate with Quickbooks, Freshbooks and others. We already are providing a CSV file for integration with accounting platforms.

MxMSP™ PRO: Streamlined Invoicing for Recurring Security Services

Our soon-to-be-released invoice generator in MxMSP PRO will enable MOBOTIX partners to configure very specific service centric invoices for each customer. These will be reoccurring and at the same time specify correct information based on last month's activity. 

For MOBOTIX partners it will be a great achievement to master the transition from fixing broken equipment to becoming a partner that provides a mission critical service and has a position in the annual budget and receives a monthly recurring service fee.


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